
Rust lets you avoid security vulnerabilities in embedded software.
Reliably and efficiently.

PCB Rendering


From concept to serial production we provide you with expert consulting.

Illustration security: Padlock

Safe and Secure Embedded Software

Using the modern programming language Rust, we craft firmware for your embedded application that is guaranteed to be memory-safe. This ensures secure operation at all times.
↓ How?

Illustration electronics: microprocessor

Electronics Hardware Design

We design cutting-edge electronics hardware tailored to your application or product.

From part selection, cost, and manufacturability to performance and safety, our keen eye for detail ensures you get the hardware design you want.

We begin with developing the architecture, drafting the schematic, and doing the PCB layout. If required, we guide your hardware through prototyping, testing, integration, certification, and production.

Illustration systems engineering: checklist

Systems Engineering

Everyone uses systems every day. Some are more complex than others. The more complex systems have one thing in common: they are engineered using a holistic design approach. By applying modern systems engineering, we ensure high quality and customer satisfaction.

Before we begin, we help you collect your needs and wishes for the product and turn them into measurable, actionable requirements. This prevents unpleasant surprises.

Illustration project planning: calendar

Project Planning and Management

Projects need planning, and executing plans needs management. By deeply integrating project management with systems engineering, we ensure that your product is delivered on time and meets all your expectations.

We keep you updated on our progress and swiftly find solutions should difficulties arise.


"The clear north star for security against memory corruption exploits is the broad usage of Memory Safe Languages [...] Anything less is playing the whack-a-mole of exploit mitigation."

— US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (external source)

Rust is the ideal programming language for embedded applications. It offers unparalleled safety, C-like performance and efficient tooling.

Illustration security: Padlock

Safety and Security: Rust's Inherent Benefits

Around 80% of weaknesses in embedded software stem from unsafe language features. Rust offers safety and security as part of the package. By choosing Rust, you will effortlessly craft secure code. Its ownership and borrow model allows the compiler to enforce correctness, keeping vulnerabilities at bay.

Illustration performance: rocket

Performance Without Compromise

Memory-safe languages have existed for a while, but in embedded software, they often introduce excessive overhead and performance bottlenecks. Rust stands out. Its zero-cost abstractions let developers write high-level code with C-like efficiency. The borrow checker guarantees memory safety without runtime penalties.

Illustration tooling: gears

Efficient Tooling That is Joyful to Use

Why waste time setting up toolchains or hunting down simple bugs? With Cargo, the package manager you’ve always dreamed of, and Rust’s smart compiler, you can focus on what matters: implementing new features, dreaming up innovations, and creating. Rust, the top programming language of the past decade, gives developers what they truly desire.

Say goodbye to outdated languages and hello to a productive, blissful workforce.

Our Rust Embedded Experts

Portrait Joël Schulz-Andres

Joël Schulz-Andres

  • B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering, RWTH Aachen
  • Currently M.Sc. Computer Engineering, RWTH Aachen
  • Previous employers/customers include Bosch, Siemens, DHL Group
Portrait Julian Dickert

Julian Dickert

  • M.Sc. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, TUM
  • Previous employers/customers include Rohde & Schwarz, Infineon, University of Waterloo (Canada)

Our Core Values

We deeply value quality, simplicity and reliability.

These are the same qualities we expect in the things we use — and we like to use what we craft.

Illustration quality: medal with star


We deeply value high quality.

A high-quality system should serve its purpose efficiently, effectively, safely, and reliably. It must provide a high level of user satisfaction and comply with local laws and regulations, especially regarding privacy and accessibility. Additionally, the system should be sustainable, resource-efficient, and operational over long periods.

We believe Rust empowers developers to create high-quality systems with its memory-safe, expressive, efficient, and supportive programming language. Rust enables developers to build robust, reliable, and secure systems with ease and confidence.

Illustration simplicity: three geometric shapes


Much of modern systems engineering focuses on managing complexity. We believe the focus should shift toward reducing complexity. Simplicity in engineering should always be favored over unnecessary complexity whenever possible.

Unix pipelines exemplify this principle. At the heart of the Unix philosophy is the idea that each tool should do one thing and do it well. The beauty of Unix pipelines lies in their ability to chain simple tools together in powerful ways. By building code that is extremely simple and modular, using clearly defined interfaces, we guarantee quick development and extensibility. This approach solves many issues regarding maintenance and debugging.

Illustration reliability: square with check mark


Many people value reliability highly in their relationships, yet often overlook its importance in technical devices.

We believe reliability should be the top priority in software development. Software should work error-free and as expected. This not only results in more satisfied users but also proves to be more economical in the long run.